Uniform Information
St. Mary's School Uniform
Our school uniform consists of:
- White shirt
- Tie (Blue with yellow stripe)
- Blue jumper with logo
- Grey trousers/skirt/shorts
- Grey socks
- Black shoes with no logo
Our PE kit consists of:
- White T-shirt
- Black leggings/shorts
- Black plimsolls
Where Can I buy School Uniform?
The vast majority of our school uniform and PE kit can be purchased in many high street shops and supermarkets.
Our School tie's can be bought in school or from some local school uniform suppliers.
Our Year 6 children receive a Gold tie and this is provided by school.
Our school jumpers can be purchased from School Trends (see the link below) or from some local school uniform suppliers.
We are in the process of setting up a bank of good quality second hand uniform which will be available free of charge. We encourage parents to pass on any items that are no longer required so that other families will benefit from.
Do you have a winter and summer uniform?
Our uniform is worn all year round.
Do we have to wear school uniform?
We strongly encourage all pupils to wear our school uniform because it helps to create a sense of belonging and pride in our school.
School Trends
Link to purchase school uniform