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Class Celebration of the Word

Throughout the school, each class holds a Celebration of the Word on a weekly basis.  These are recorded on our 'Six S' planning sheets and we encourage active participation from children in leading these important sessions.  In January 2024 our teachers and pupils in our Prayer and Liturgy Group received training from Maria Hall on leading Celebration of the Word sessions and we follow resources and guidance in our Pupil and Staff Handbook.

The Six aspects of Celebration of the Word are:

Scripture: The word of God. We encourage children to read directly from the Bible.  In selecting appropriate scripture we have a range of approaches; following the Sunday Gospel, linking with the liturgy year, linking with Religious Education lessons, addressing issues that arise in class, or real life events (local, global), re-enforcing our school values, or simply selecting pieces of scripture that staff or children particularly like.

Silence: It is important to create moments of silence; as we prepare to listen to the Word of God in Scripture, and to reflect on what it means for us.

Senses: We aim to tune into our senses to enable us to draw closer to God.  We think of things we can see, hear, smell and touch (eg, liturgical colours, fabric, gentle music, candles, an object to focus on/touch, such as a cross for example).

Symbol or Symbolic Gesture: We become closer to God through signs, symbols and actions.  It is important to let everyone take part in symbolic action.

Sacred Space: Before each Celebration of the Word, we create a sacred space in the classroom or chapel and let our children create this space using fabric, symbols, and candles etc.

Speak to God: We provide opportunities for prayer - it might be a formal prayer we already know, a prayer children have written, one from a book, or a spontaneous prayer to fit with the theme of the session. 

Sacred Space Boxes

Children from our Prayer and Liturgy Group, along with Mrs Gorman, have developed and provided each class with a Sacred Space box, including liturgical fabrics, candles and symbols that can be used to lead class Celebrations of the Word.


Year 6 pupils planning their class Celebration of the Word: