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We celebrate whole school Mass in school on several occasions over the academic year with Fr David, our Parish Priest.  We are regularly joined by members of the parish who always report how much they enjoyed the mass and how well the children sing and participate.

During Lent, our Key Stage 2 classes attend the Parish weekly masses on Tuesdays on a rota basis. 

Children participate in Mass by reading certain aspects of the Mass; such as the welcome and introduction and prayers of the faithful;  leading the Offertory, serving on the altar, playing musical instruments and singing - we especially like to sing the Responsorial Psalm and make use of CJM Music to support this.

At other times of the year we hold special liturgies with Fr David, such as a Service of Reconciliation during Advent or Lent.

Examples of School Masses:

September Mass 2023

Advent Mass 2023

Lent Mass 2024

May Celebration 2024

Leaver's Mass 2024

September Mass 2024