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Faith information for Parents

Weekly Gospel Assemblies

We base our Monday whole school assemblies on the Sunday Gospel and we often use resources from Ten Ten to guide the format of these assemblies.

Click Ten Ten for information about the assemblies we are using through the season of Lent, and ways you can support this at home.

For other resources to support the Sunday Gospel please click the following links from Wednesday Word and Mark 10 Mission:

The Wednesday Word for Parents, and Carers

The Wednesday Word for children

The Mark 10 Mission



We are currently in the season of Lent.  Lent is the forty day season to prepare for Easter.  During Lent, we are encouraged to FAST (go without), GIVE (give to charity) and PRAY (grow closer to God).  Lent is also a time think about our lives and to say sorry for mistakes we have made and to make changes for the better.  

Please click the links below from Gods Speak to access information posters about Lent and activities to try at home during this season.

St Josephs Penny Boxes

At the start of Lent, children brought home St Josephs Penny Boxes in order to raise money for Caritas.  In school we are encouraging children to raise money by doing small acts of kindness at home and being helpful (eg, tidying up, cleaning bedroom, helping with shopping), or by going without some sweets or chocolates and putting the money they would have used into the St Josephs Penny Boxes.

For further information about Caritas and St Josephs Penny please click St Joseph's Penny

CAFOD Big Lent Walk

In the final week of Lent, Holy Week (week commencing 25th March) our Cafod Club are organising a Big Lent Walk to raise some money to support the work of CAFOD and help people around the world.  It would be great if you could support your children with this.

For further information about Cafod and the Big Lent Walk please click Cafod Big Lent Walk