Catholic Life and Mission
The Catholic Life and Mission of the school incorporates many aspects of school life and we hope that by spending time in our school and looking on our website you will feel the mission of St Marys.
Within Catholic Life and Mission we feel that we are particularly good at:
- providing a warm welcome
- living catholic social teaching
- pastoral support and care for pupils
Our School Mission, Values and Aims
In the summer term 2023 we reviewed our mission statement and school values with our pupil Young Citizens group, supported by Mr Jones, Mrs Barrett and Mrs Gorman. The children shared this with governors, staff, pupils and parents and we formally adopted the mission and values at the Full Governing Body Meeting in June 2023. The Young Citizens led a series of assemblies in June and July 2023 to launch our mission and school values. They linked each value to a gospel reading, and quote from Pope Francis.
Mission Statement
We aim to provide a safe, caring, Catholic community where each member is valued and respected and enabled to achieve their potential through a broad and balanced curriculum. This is summed up neatly in our school motto, Learn and grow together in Christ.
Our school values are inspired by the words of Jesus:
"A new commandment I give you: Love one another! Just as I have loved you, you also must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:34-35)
At St. Mary's we value:
- Kindness
- Tolerance
- Friendship
- Aiming high
- Positivity
These values help us to live Jesus' commandment to Love One Another and help us achieve our Mission.
Our Aims
Working together with our parents, teachers, governors and parish we aim to:
- Deepen our relationship with God and live our faith;
- Develop the 'whole' child spiritually, morally, socially, emotionally and culturally;
- Develop each child's ability to form strong relationships with others based on Gospel values, e.g. love and respect;
- Provide an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum, rooted in our Catholic faith;
- Enable each child to achieve the highest academic standards possible and enable them to explore their individual strengths and talents;
- Protect the dignity of each person and celebrate our uniqueness regardless of any differences we may have;
- Create a safe school for children to thrive;
- Protect our environment and look after our planet.
Since joining Romero Catholic Academy in December 2023:
Since joining the Romero Catholic Academy in December 2023 we have started to consider how we can take inspiration from Oscar Romero and link this with our school patron, St Mary to inform our school development and pupil responsibility:
Oscar Romero and school improvement