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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

We hope that your child feels settled into life in Year 5.  The following information is to help make the transition easier for the whole family.

My name is Miss Daley and I am the class teacher. Our class teaching assistant is Mrs Robinson and we also have Mrs Walsh and Mrs Lewis working with specific children.

In the mornings we focus on English and maths.  Our afternoons are spent learning about the wider curriculum such as, RE, history, Music, art and PE.


Your child will continue to take home a reading book each day, this is to supplement the reading they do in school.  It is very important that you support your child by listening to them read daily.  The reading record book should be filled in each time your child reads, recording what, and how well they have read to you.  This is a good means of communication between school and home and will also help staff to monitor your child’s progress and the books that they are reading.  Children should bring their reading book to school every day even though they may not have read the previous night.


In addition to reading, every member of the class has a times tables rockstar account which they can use at home to help them learn their times tables.  This is an important part of maths and will help them in their daily maths lessons.


We have PE every Monday and Wednesday.  Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on those days with a school jumper for when we go outside.

We look forward to teaching your children and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask.

Miss Daley, Mrs Robinson, Mrs Walsh, and Mrs Lewis

Testing Materials in Science