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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

My name is Mrs. Neill and I am the Year 3 teacher, I work very closely alongside Mrs Howarth, Mrs McDade and Mrs Lewis. Mrs. Collins is in class on a Wednesday and teaches English, Maths, music and computing.  In the morning, we complete our English and Maths learning, and we study the wider curriculum subjects in the afternoon, such as R.E, Science, History, Geography, Music, Design and Technology, Art, Spanish, PE, ICT and PSHE.


Each child has been allocated a reading day/s. This is the day they need to return their home reading book and their reading journal in to school. This information is written in the front of their reading journal. It is important that your child continues to read regularly at home and that you write this in their reading journal. Spelling Shed is a super spelling resource that can be accessed at home.  Please continue to share a variety of books with your child and also read to them frequently, as books help encourage imagination and writing.


Times Tables Rock Stars, Prodigy and Complete Maths Tutor are fantastic maths resources that can be accessed at home that will help your child improve their maths calculations and skills. Their usernames and passwords for these are also at the front of your child's reading journal. Please encourage your child to regularly spend some time accessing these resources to help them develop their maths skills and calculations.


Our P.E sessions are on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. Please make sure children wear suitable PE kit to school on a Monday and Thursday. They will need to have named pumps in school that can be left in their lockers if they can’t go outside for PE.

I am really looking forward to working with you all this year and if you have anything you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact me. I hope your child has a successful and enjoyable year in Year 3.

Mrs. Neill

Design and Technology - Pneumatic Toys.