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Science Curriculum Intent

At St, Mary’s, we intend for our children to explore, broaden their scientific views and deepen their understanding of the world around them through science.

Through our science curriculum we aim to:

  • To provide interesting and practical lessons to create an enthusiasm towards science.
  • To provide the children with opportunities and experiences to help them understand the wider world.
  • To develop a natural curiosity about the world around them.
  • To encourage the children to ask questions and try to find answers.
  • To enable the children to understand the world through the scientific disciplines of Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
  • To promote and develop their scientific vocabulary.
  • To teach and develop scientific skills of enquiry through planning, implementing and evaluating their own practical investigations in a fun and meaningful way.

British Science Week 2023

The children enjoyed a visit from a Science Boffin. The Boffin started the day with a great interactive assembly for the whole school. Each class took part in a variety of workshops throughout the day.

The theme of this year’s British Science Week is connections. The children ‘connected’ themselves to other children in school as part of our Science display to show how we are all connected.

British Science Week 2022

The theme of this year's British Science week was growth. The children completed posters on the topic of growth and the whole school contributed towards a display. The display showed how much we grow throughout school by having the height of all the children recorded. Each year group had a different colour and shows the heights of each year group.

The children also completed a competition where they had to guess the staff member from their baby pictures.

In their classes, children carried out a range of Science investigations allowing them to practise their scientific skills.

On Friday, the children got to meet some dinosaurs! They also had the opportunity to dig for fossils and learn more about different dinosaurs. The children had a great week!

Science at St Mary's